
Kirsi Harju – trumpet, vocals, composition

Ida Alanen – piano

Jonathan Nagel – double bass, composition

Yoad Korach – drums

KAMA Kollektiv is a quirky Amsterdam-based quartet that tells stories about love, transformation, small everyday pleasures and the mysticism of nature.

In a theatrical and mesmerising style, their music draws influences from Nordic jazz & folk, indie pop, film scores and electronic & improvised music. Charismatic bandleader and frontwoman Kirsi-Marja “Kiki” Harju enchants the audience with her eccentric singing and lyrical trumpet playing. She and the bass player Jonathan compose music for the band. 

The group’s latest album As If I Lived a Different Life, released in May 2024 on Sonna Records, is an escape to an imaginary world; there plastic trees create hide-outs for dragons, dreams adventurously & constantly evolve, and it feels like living a different life. Most importantly, the quest brings us to wonder what really is essential, and how to be unapologetically true to yourself. 

The band has released three studio albums: KOTI (Kirsi-Marja Harju/Eclipse Music, 2019), TOIVO (BERTHOLD Records, 2021) and As If I Lived a Different Life (Sonna Records, 2024).

KAMA Kollektiv has been touring excessively in the Netherlands, Germany and Finland since 2019 with good responses. In 2021 they showcased at the digital edition of Europe’s biggest jazz conference jazzahead! in Bremen, Germany. 

“To be discovered urgently”

Franpi Barriaux / Citizen Jazz (FR) / 2021

“..is a unique refreshment of the European scene.”

Jan Hocek / Jazzport.cz / 2022

“An appealing contrast of foreign and familiar”.

Olaf Maikopf for Jazzthetic 01/02-2020